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The management of the patient with acute kidney injury (AKI) requires meticulous attention to fluid, acid-base, and electrolyte balance, as well as the removal of uremic toxins. Peritoneal dialysis is an overlooked procedure for dialytic support in AKI as it is primarily used for the treatment of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Nevertheless, acute peritoneal dialysis remains a viable option for the treatment of selected patients with AKI, particularly those who are hemodynamically compromised or have severe coagulation abnormalities, or when other modalities are not readily available


Compared with other available modalities, peritoneal dialysis has several advantages as a renal replacement therapy in patients with ARF:

● It is widely available and technically easy to perform.

● Large amounts of fluid can be removed in hemodynamically unstable patients; this fluid removal may also permit the administration of parenteral nutrition.

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